General News

Into The Cold

Hi Everyone,

I write from the land “up over”. I had the opportunity to take my new bride to my homeland of Canada this month to show her where I grew up.

t has been an exciting and slightly emotional time revisiting the old places of play and fellowship. I walked through my grand parents land and had flashes of old memories; a very reflective and inspiring time. Who knows what creativity this time may birth.

Another cool part of the trip has been our time with Family Worship Center. Having been a 7 year part of my spiritual growth it is always a great place to return and feel love and support. My wife and I had a great time worshiping with the rest of my family on stage praising The Lord.





By Aaron

“Aaron David” Polley, son of Ray Polley and Cindy L Spear, was born in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, October 10th, 1987. He was happily united with his wife Amie Sara Polley on August 24th, 2012, in the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

He grew up in a musical family that had a long history of accomplished musicians and songwriters. His own writing ability surfaced at the age of 7 when his first musical arrangement was used in a church service as a congregational song.