“One More Breath” has been my statement of conviction over the last few weeks. It kind of sums up a few different thoughts so I’ll break it down a bit.
God has been dealing with me a lot lately about investing in people, taking the moments of life to build relationship with others and share the love of Christ with them; not in just face value, but REAL relationship. The time you share in a “meet and greet” is not the same as when you sit and eat. Time invested in a person’s life instantly places value on them, building more than just an aquaintence, but rather a friend; that is real relationship.
In the lead up to Encounter (our youth ministry’s conference-like event) I have been inspired to take these few practical steps that will hopefully continue through and beyond this amazing time with our God and each other… Here they are:
1. Know >> get to know people you wouldn’t normally. The shy person at work, the lonely person who hangs at the back of a church service, the volunteer stacking chairs…
2. Love >> once you know about them, care! the person stacking chairs has as many events/hurts/fears/ etc in their world as you do. Show genuine interest and intiative to help them and do life with them.
3. Believe >> this is the final and most import step as it takes someone from where they are to where they hope to be. Getting along side of someone, believing in them, empowering them to take their next step in life…
I remember times in my own life when people have believed in me and helped me progress in life… It’s the best feeling ever!! Taking just that extra fee seconds can really change someone’s word.
In all I’ve said, remember this:
In the moments of life, stop and see, who is around you, to engage and believe in; through “one more breath” they’ll never be the same again.
Much Love//
//Aaron Polley
Twitter: @aaronpolley
Facebook: /aaronpolley